About Us

Our Journey

Apostle Daniel Wynter, who back in the day was referred to as simply “Brother Dan”, had never been a man of strong faith. He went to church, prayed when he remembered, and considered himself a good Christian, but he never truly dedicated himself to God. That all changed when tragedy struck. The loss of his child, the end of his relationships, and the betrayal of the church he attended all came at once, crushing him and leaving him feeling lost and alone. In his despair, Apostle Daniel cried out to God, finally realizing the importance of his faith and the love that God had for him. God answered his prayers and began to rebuild Apostle Daniel, ordaining him as a Pastor first in the United States and then in Canada and blessed him with his beautiful helpmate, Lady Nadeen Wynter. With a new found purpose, Daniel started a small Bible study, which quickly grew into a full-fledged church. God instructed him to build the church according to the Body of Christ, with the five gifts as described in Ephesians 4:11-12. This was the beginning of Open Arms Church of Jesus Christ, a thriving community of believers who sought to live their lives for God.

The church started in a barber shop, but it quickly outgrew the small space. Despite this, the growth did not stop. Open Arms continued to spread the message of God's love and grace to more and more people. On the spiritual battlefield, they are known as The Open Army of God, marching forward in faith and spreading the word of the Lord.

Through this journey, Apostle Daniel learned that when life crushes us and everything seems lost, it is then that we can truly find God and his plan for us. With God by his side, Apostle Daniel with the help of his beautiful wife, Nadeen, was able to build a church that has touched countless lives and is changing the world for the better.

Our Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision of Open Arms Church of Jesus Christ


Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost

Matthew 28:19


The world needs to see and experience men, women and children worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth

Your Journey Begins Here

We are a progressive church that believes in empowering individuals to be all that they can be in Christ. If you're a new believer or seeking a deeper understanding of God, this is the perfect place for you to start your journey. Our church is dedicated to helping individuals find salvation and discover their full potential through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We encourage everyone to embrace their unique gifts and talents and use them to serve others and glorify God. Come join our community of supportive individuals who will guide and encourage you on your journey towards finding yourself in Christ. Your journey towards salvation and self-discovery begins here at Open Arms Church of Jesus Christ!